

It makes for a good exercise, walking in the streets, without shoes, with a cart and a loose dog. In the past I would not allowed myself to do this. I would feel too insecure, too uncomfortable. Even if it would be an innocent act of exploration, something out of curiosity, I would suppressed it and not allow it. The critical and judging voice of my surroundings, or at least my idea about it, spoke much louder than the little voice I had inside.

The cart gives me opportunity to grow in this. To handle my thoughts better and to carry myself differently and in a more centered way. It took time but now my inner movement speaks louder than (my assumptions on) what others or the world around me may say. I see that how we look, how we perceive, is just through one way of an infinite possible ways. For me it is just a matter of seeing through the more beautiful, the more serving. When I got this, nothing really offended me or shook me up anymore. It's like judgement lost its effect over me because all I see, when judgement is being poured over me, is how this person shares how he/she is seeing me, nothing more. It's just a matter of taking from it what you want. Integrating the most serving and beautiful views and let the lesser ones just be. The beautiful thing is, that once this lesson is learned, once it is integrated, the fear, the teacher, disappears. When you look at the world and yourself with a more beautiful and serving view, you'll able to move more freely, with less fear.

Somehow it's a breaking free.

Now I choose to do this cart thing, not because of a play of ego, but because of a result of what I feel and think inside. I try to walk my own talk and by doing so I see if it really serves me. For me it still takes effort to put myself out there and show more of what lives inside me. But seeing judgement, the response of my outer world, differently, makes it much easier to walk that path.

To allow yourself to be different and to move with less fear. To embrace your diversity more and more and try to be a part of it by acting on what lives inside you. I believe we need people that allow themselves to move differently, move more freely, with less fear. Because they'll be the ones that break the mold around our heads and our hearts.